Collaborative Networks have shared vision, purpose, priorities, strategies, and objectives. The purpose of the networks is to provide opportunities for school/district personnel in like-positions to meet regularly to share issues, learn together and problem solve in a collaborative environment. Networks are designed to create an opportunity for teachers and administrators to collaborate and connect and create support and dialogue across the County. An ROE liaison supports each network.
The DuPage Regional Office of Education Networks are open to all. CLICK HERE to register for one of the below networks.
Counselor Roundtable | School Nurses & Healthcare Professionals |
DuPage County Curriculum Directors (DCCD) | School Psychologists |
DuPage Directors of English Language Learners (DELL) | Student Services |
Early Childhood - 3rd Grade | Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) |
Equity and Excellence (EEN) | Social Work K-12 |
Gifted | Technology Coaches/Coordinators Support Group |
High School Social Workers | Technology Directors |
Instructional Coaches (ICN) | Trauma |
PACT (Personnel Administrators) | Truancy and School Attendance |