On Thursday, April 25 from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. the DuPage Regional Office of Education will offer the required training for individuals who qualify for a short-term substitute teaching license. The training will take place at the DuPage Regional Office of Education located at 421 North County Farm Road in Wheaton. The cost to attend is $50.
Click here to register.
On July 1, 2018, Illinois House Bill 5627 was signed into law which allows individuals with 60 hours of college credit to apply for a short-term substitute teaching license. As a service to DuPage County school districts, the DuPage ROE will offer training that is required for this new short- term substitute teacher license. This training must be completed prior to teaching on this license.
Requirements and Information for the Short-Term Substitute License:
- Must hold an Associate’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution of higher education or show completion of 60 semester hours of college coursework.
- Short-term substitute licenses are valid until June 30, 2023, and may not be renewed. Cannot teach more than five consecutive days per licensed teacher.
- Must complete a training program provided by the school board or Regional Office of Education prior to teaching on the license.
- Cannot serve as a Paraprofessional on the short-term sub license.
- There is a $25.00 application fee, no registration fee.
- Valid for substitute teaching in all grades of the public schools, pre-kindergarten through grade 12.
Although not required or developed for regular substitute teachers, the training is also open and available to those educators as well.
For more information and registration, please send an email to cert@dupageroe.org.